Transition Falmouth welcomes Plastic Bag Tax

The introduction of the 5p levy across England on single-use plastic carrier bags as from Monday 5th October has been warmly welcomed by TF supporters, concerned about the growing impact that waste plastic is having on the marine and wider environment.

According to the latest statistics from leading waste reduction organisation WRAP, the number of single-use carrier bags handed out by retailers rose last year in England to more than 8.3 billion.

It had been hoped that there would have been no exemptions, but the Government has applied the levy to only retailers with 250 employees or more and excluded biodegradable and paper bags, unlike other home countries like Wales and Scotland where the legislation is far tougher.

However, the levy is good news if only because it will encourage much greater use of alternative long-life bags, result in reduced litter, and also send a strong message that plastic waste generally needs addressing urgently in order to protect the environment.

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