TF Health & Wellbeing group

The Transition Falmouth Health & Wellbeing group was recently formed starting with three members.

As with all our TF projects it becomes a huge subject covering not only physical and mental health but the links to food and the psychology of change and transition etc.

So we are inviting health professionals, patients, therapists, people … anyone with an interest and energy to work on a design for the future health of our community.

To begin with the main issues we are looking at are:

  • How can Falmouth shift from a healthcare approach that is high energy to low energy?
  • What are the immediate tasks we could address? E.g. drug wastage (over 40% of dispensed drugs are not used amounting to millions of pounds in wasted money and energy); packaging of products?
  • How can we look to health creation rather than disease management?
  • How can complementary health integrate with conventional medicine to help achieve these aims?
  • What would a localised, health creation healthcare system look like?
  • What could be our initial, inspiring aims?

Initial projects being developed:

  • To create a physic / botanical garden growing herbs & flowers for health / medicine?
  • An integrated community clinic offering complementary therapy , nutritional advice/ support and exercise e.g. yoga, meditation. Perhaps start with a community clinic devoted to complementary therapy with a view to integration?
  • A green gym – tied in with the food group (organic gardening).

Already in existence is FalChi, a local subgroup of CHI – The Cornwall Complementary Health Initiative (for integrating complementary therapies into primary care).

Please, if anyone is inspired by these ideas, join us and help to push this forward.

Lis Cardess

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